The CompTIA A+ 1001 1002 certification is the starting point for all IT careers. Gaining your certification requires a understanding of PC troubleshooting as well as knowing basic components.
A+ Study Prep Plus - CompTIA A+ 1001 - 1002 is a wonderful tool to use for practice tests and flashcards for on the go study! Our questions come from past students who have taken and passed the exam. We keep our quizzes at 25 questions so you always have the opportunity to squeeze in a study session.
- 4 Practice quizzes
- 5 Sets of flashcards
- Receive a percentage score once quizzes are completed.
- Easy to use interface
- Up to date questions
- Best of all the app is totally free! Never pay for using our app
A+ Study Prep Plus is not affiliated with or endorsed by CompTIA. CompTIA makes no representations regarding A+ Study Prep Plus materials. All quiz questions used belong to the respective owners.